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 ATTENTION MEMBERS: Notice of Nomination and Elections

AFT College Staff Guild Local 1521A Elections for 2025 CFT Convention Delegates

                  The AFT Staff Guild Local 1521A is conducting elections to elect delegates to attend the CFT Convention. The CFT Convention Delegate election will be conducted district-wide using electronic voting.

Any Member in good standing may seek to run and serve as a CFT convention delegate.


CFT Delegate Elections:

Those elected to serve as CFT Delegate will represent AFT Staff Guild 1521


Good Afternoon, Staff Guild Members,

We are excited to announce that our upcoming General Membership Meeting will take place on Saturday, June 22nd, at Los Angeles City College. The meeting will be held in the Student Union Building, 3rd Floor, Multi-Purpose Room, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. It is important to note that the meetings are exclusively for Members. If you plan to attend in person, please RSVP by Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 to Glen Heidenreich at

Those who would like to attend virtually are more than welcome to do so; however, you must register in advance


Hello AFT 1521A members,

The Elections Committee would like to share the results of the AFT Convention Delegate Election with you now that the period for voting has concluded.  The top 11 recipients with the highest vote count will be contacted today to confirm their acceptance.  Thanks to everyone who participated in the election.

-Elections Committee


Dear AFT 1521A members,

Thank you to those who participated in the District Wide Officers Election.

Ballots were counted on Friday, April 19, 2024. Members of the Election Committee observed the opening of envelopes, sorting of ballots, and counting of ballots performed by the American Arbitration Association (AAA).

The results for the District Wide Officers Election including the certified results from the AAA are attached and will be available on the website. 

The Executive Board voted to certify the result at the May 9th, 2024 Executive Board meeting and the Officers listed below

These are the uncertified results:…

Dear AFT Staff Guild Members,

Thank you for participating in the 2023/2024 District Wide Officers Election. Members of the Election Committee were at the post office witnessing the ballot pick up this morning and at the Staff Guild office, we observed the opening of the envelopes, the sorting of the ballots and the counting. Please see the uncertified results of the 2023/2024 District Wide Officers Election.

These are the uncertified results. We will receive the official tally

2023-24 DWOE Candidates FINAL

Please click here to view the updated document.


AFT STAFF GUILD                             


AFT College Staff Guild and the Los Angeles Community College District began negotiations on March 29, 2023. Ground rules, some initial proposals, and counter proposals have been presented.

We are negotiating a successor agreement to the contract that expired on June 30, 2023.

While we are in continued negotiations, the contract will still be valid until negotiations are concluded. There is no lapse in union representation. Both parties are currently meeting with their bargaining teams and developing proposed article language.

If members have any additional ideas or proposed language for the open articles (Not in TA Status), please contact your campus negotiations team representative.






Names are presented in randomized order.

2023/24 AFT 1521A District Wide Officers Election Candidates  Names are presented in randomized order.

Please click here to view the document.


This Planner is designed to help union election officials plan for and

schedule all the significant activities associated with
conducting an officer election.


 *** This planner originates from the U.S. Department of Labor and may be found in the document titled.

To see the full document, please click on the link below:


AFT College Staff Guild Local 1521A
2023/24 Elections for District-wide Officers

AFT Collegee Staff Guild Local 1521A


The AFT Staff Guild Local 1521A is conducting elections for District-wide Officers, namely President, 1st Vice-President,
2nd Vice-President, Grievance Secretary, Treasurer, and Recording Secretary. Members may only run for one
District-wide Officer seat at a time.

To see the full document, please click on the link below: