Article 5 General Provisions
AFT 1521A Proposal 4/19/23
Management Counter Proposal 5/10/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 5/24/23
Tentative Agreement on 5/24/2023
This Article is in the CBA to provide basic guidelines on the need to update our agreement and
give access to the information it contains to our bargaining unit.
There are two tentatively agreed upon changes in this article. They are in sections B and I.
• Section B. States that all requests for information will be provided digitally, instead of on paper, as it used to be given. It also states that requests for information must be delivered in 15 days rather than having no timeline listed in the current contract.
• Section I. The District will provide the AFT with a report on classified Unit 1 staffing levels at each college and the District Office, to include filled and vacant positions in a digital format for the entire bargaining unit every 90 days, instead of once every six (6) months as it is currently.
Article 8 Work Environment
AFT 1521A Proposal 4/19/23
Management Counter Proposal 5/3/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 6/14/23
Management Counter Proposal 9/28/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 11/3/23
Management Counter Proposal 11/3/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 11/17/23
Management Counter Proposal 12/11/23
Tentative Agreement on 1/22/2024
• Emergency preparedness plans will be available on the website and printed copies available upon request.
• Temperature controlled work environments shall not exceed 82 degrees or drop below 65 degrees for longer than two hours without administration engaging in remediation strategies. Employees may request to work remotely for the remainder of their work shift if remediation strategies are not deployed.
• Classified staff will be provided with a detached keyboard and stand-alone mouse. Employees issued a laptop are provided with a docking station and external monitor.
• Employees may request non-standard specialized equipment through an ergonomic assessment.
• The alternative task break has been updated to reflect the current advancements in technology. We have negotiated a more open-ended and employee-friendly summary that allows employees to take time away from their computers to complete other tasks on an as-needed basis.
Article 11 Holidays
AFT 1521A Proposal 4/19/2023
Management Counter Proposal 5/10/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 5/24/23
Management Counter Proposal 6/14/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 9/28/23
Management Counter Proposal 9/28/23
Tentative Agreement 1/22/24
The revamped holiday observance policies in the updated agreement between the AFT and the District signify a positive shift towards increased flexibility, cultural awareness, and a more inclusive approach. Unlike the intricate and somewhat restrictive guidelines in the old policy, the new provisions allow for greater adaptability and acknowledgment of culturally significant days.
• Holidays added:
o Genocide Remembrance Day – observed April 24
o Admission Day – observed between December 26 and December 30
• The four hours on the Friday of Spring Break has been upgraded to two floating Wellness Days per fiscal year, for 4x increase of four hours to 16. These are similar to the PAL day as they do not roll over and can be taken at any time.
• Wellness Days
o On July 1st of each year, the District shall grant employees two (2) district-paid wellness days each fiscal year in recognition of culturally significant state and federal holidays. Members shall give their supervisor a minimum of two (2) days written notice prior to taking these days.
o The 2 Wellness Days for 2023 – 2024 will be available for employee use after February 1, 2024. These 2 days must be used by June 30, 2024.
Article 12 Hours and Workweek
Management Proposal 5/10/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 6/14/23
Management Counter Proposal 9/28/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 12/11/23
Management Counter Proposal 1/22/24
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 1/22/24
Tentative Agreement 1/22/24
• Considering that the District has the power of dictating assignments, we have negotiated a stricter process for justifying changes to an employee’s schedule.
• Whenever “reasonable business necessity of the District” is referred to in Section A and is used to make changes to employees’ work schedules, written justification and documentation demonstrating the decision shall be provided.
• An employee’s shift may not be changed on a permanent basis without written justification.
o Volunteers for the position are solicited for a minimum of 10 business days.
• The B-shift differential has increased from 6.9 to 7.2 percent. (updated to reflect current amount)
• When permanently changing the employee’s hours across shifts (ex. A to B), the District shall first:
o Call for volunteers. If volunteers are available, the employee may have their shift changed with at least three weeks prior written notice of the change.
o If no volunteers are available after at least 10 business days of notice, the employee may have their shift changed permanently with at least three weeks prior written notice.
o Employees shall not lose their shift differential for a year after the shift change.
o Training shall not be interrupted by a permanent change of hours while such training is in progress, if the training is only available during the previously assigned employee’s shift. If the employee is required to complete training outside of their new work hours, the employee shall be eligible for overtime or comp time.
• In response to the continued use of unclassified staff for various activities outside of an employee’s work schedule, language was added that solidified classified’s right to not have their work (and overtime opportunities) usurped by unclassified staff.
• Unclassified assignments will be paid at the overtime rate.
• Classified employees will earn overtime for any work over 40 hours for the week at the 1.5x overtime rate.
• Classified employees working additional certificated assignments will be paid at the adjunct rate or a blended rate of pay, whichever is higher.
• Adjusted work schedules will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis with the recommendation of the employee’s supervisor and the approval of the College President or Vice Chancellor or designee.
• If an employee is unable to accept a certificated assignment for two consecutive semesters because the assignment falls within their classified schedule, the employee will be able to appeal to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources or Deputy Chancellor within five working days at the time of the second denial and a response shall be received in five working days as well.
• Consistent with the shift changes, whenever there is a denial for an adjusted work schedule, written justification and documentation shall be provided.
o Again, the District has the right to deny adjusted work schedules as needed. Our goal was to require legitimate documentation and reasons for the denial.
Article 14 Transfer and Reassignment
Management Proposal 5/24/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 6/14/23
Management Counter Proposal 11/3/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 11/17/23
Management Counter Proposal 11/17/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 12/11/23
Management Counter Proposal 1/12/24
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 1/22/24
Management Counter Proposal 1/22/24
Tentative Agreement 1/22/24
The lettering and numbering sequence has changed from the current collective bargaining agreement. Please note that the sections referenced in this article below will reflect the new collective bargaining agreement.
• A reassignment is defined as the assignment of an employee from one administrative unit to another administrative unit in the same classification and at the same work location.
• Prior to an involuntary transfer or reassignment, the District shall interview all eligible employees who have made themselves available for a voluntary change.
• In cases of involuntary transfers and reassignments, a written notice will be provided 25 working days in advance of the change.
o Again, the District has discretion in how worksites are staffed. Our effort here was to provide as much time as possible for employees to plan for the change.
• The employee who has been involuntarily transferred or reassigned and is in the same classification shall have the right to return to the location and same classification from which transferred or reassigned, if and when a permanent vacancy occurs. If more than one employee has a right to return to the vacancy, the position shall be offered in District seniority order.
Article 15 Classification and Reclassification
AFT 1521A Proposal 6/14/2023
Management Counter Proposal 12/11/23
Tentative Agreement 12/11/23
The Reclassification Request shall be acknowledged by the employee’s immediate supervisor and the College President or District Office Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and forwarded to the Personnel Commission within ten (10) working days from date of the reclassification request. Our current contract allows twelve (12) working days for the documents to be forwarded.
These changes seem geared towards streamlining the reclassification process, ensuring prompt notification, and maintaining clarity in communication between the District, AFT, and Personnel Commission. The amendments reflect a focus on efficiency, responsiveness, and effective collaboration in the classification and reclassification procedures.
Article 17 Professional Development and Retraining
AFT 1521A Proposal 11/3/23
Management Counter Proposal 11/3/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 11/17/23
Management Counter Proposal 11/17/23
AFT 1521A 2nd Counter Proposal 11/17/23
Tentative Agreement 11/17/23
The updated Article 17 on Professional Development and Retraining in the LACCD and AFT Staff
Guild 1521A Agreement 2020 – 2023 brings several notable changes:
1. Tuition Reimbursement (A):
• The maximum tuition reimbursement has been increased from $3,000 to $4,000 per academic year.
• Reimbursement for books and materials has been enhanced, covering 100% of their cost at any institution, compared to the previous limit of 50%.
2. Tuition Reimbursement Process (A.6):
• The new article introduces a specific timeline for submitting reimbursement requests, allowing submissions no earlier than 30 days prior to the course start date and no later than the end of the fourth week of classes. It adds two weeks after the class start date for submission of request from current language.
Overall, the changes in the updated article focus on increasing financial support for professional development, streamlining reimbursement processes, and providing clarity on the funding independence for retraining programs. These adjustments aim to enhance opportunities for employee growth and skill development within the LACCD and AFT Staff Guild agreement.
Article 19 Leaves and Absences
Management Proposal 5/24/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 6/14/2023
Management Counter Proposal 9/28/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 11/3/23
Management Counter Proposal 11/3/23
Management Counter Proposal 1/12/24
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 1/22/24
Management Counter Proposal 1/22/24
Tentative Agreement 1/22/24
• The definition of a “family member” was updated to reflect state law effective January 1, 2023.
• Employees can take up to five days of paid bereavement leave for the death of each qualifying family member.
• Up to five days of unpaid bereavement leave may be granted to attend the funeral of a close friend or fiancé that was not a cohabitant.
o Employee may use any of their PTO quotas to make it paid time off.
o Leaves can be used intermittently for up to three months following a family member’s death; does not need to be consecutive and may run concurrent with other paid leaves.
• Bereavement Leave will not impact the attendance incentive.
• Employees may use Personal Necessity Leave to extend paid bereavement leave and can convert unpaid bereavement leave into a paid leave.
• There will no longer be a distinction between 2 Personal Business days and 5 Personal Necessity days. It will now be 7 Personal Necessity Days.
o This works to our benefit as qualifying events under Personal Necessity cannot be denied.
• Personal Annual Leave is now its own section. PAL Day will not charge any of the quota accounts and does not need a qualifying event. It was nested under the Personal Necessity Leave and now it is coded separately.
• The definition of a “family member” was updated to reflect state law effective January 1, 2023.
• Certification language was deleted and now it states that the employee must provide certification as required by law.
1. New leave was added. Reproductive Loss Leave is a mandatory leave that does not require documentation. An employee shall be allowed up to 5 days of unpaid reproductive loss leave within 3 months. The five days of leave do not need to be consecutive. This leave is defined in Government Code 12945.6.
Article 20 Telecommuting Proposed New Name: Remote Work
AFT 1521A Proposal 12/11/23
Management Counter Proposal 12/11/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 12/11/23
Tentative Agreement 12/11/23
The revised Article 20 on Telecommuting, now termed "Remote Work," in the LACCD and AFT
Staff Guild 1521A Agreement 2020 – 2023, introduces several significant changes:
1. Terminology and Scope (A):
• The term "telecommuting" has been updated to "remote work," reflecting contemporary language.
• The agreement emphasizes that remote work is solely at the discretion of the District and is a privilege, not an entitlement. This underscores the discretionary nature of remote work arrangements.
2. Considerations and Impact (A):
• The new language specifies that remote work must not adversely impact student access, district operations, instruction, or services to students and the community. It highlights the importance of ensuring that remote work aligns with the best interests and needs of individual college campuses, the Educational Services Center (ESC), and the communities they serve.
3. Guidelines and Procedures (B):
• The agreement refers to Administrative Procedure 7280 for guidance on remote work, indicating a formalized set of procedures for implementing and managing remote work arrangements. This provides a more structured framework compared to the previous agreement.
• The District and Staff Guild commit to negotiating any impacts resulting from changes to the Administrative Procedure, providing a mechanism for ongoing collaboration and adjustments based on evolving needs.
Overall, the updated Article 20 reflects a shift in terminology to "remote work," underscores the discretionary nature of such arrangements, and introduces more detailed considerations to ensure that remote work aligns with the district's overall objectives while incorporating formalized procedures for guidance.
Article 21 Health and Welfare Master Benefits Agreement
Management Proposal 9/28/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 11/03/2023
Management Counter Proposal 12/11/23
AFT 1521A Counter Proposal 12/11/23
Tentative Agreement 12/11/23
*The only change to the Master Benefits Agreement is the addition of its link and a statement of
how members can obtain a hard/paper copy.
The Master Benefits Agreement can be found online at:…-
Employees may print a hard copy of the Master Benefits Agreement from their worksite’s
Payroll and or Personnel Office.
We encourage you to review these updates and changes to the current contract language. We
will keep you updated on any further developments. We appreciate your patience and
participation in the negotiation process.